[日期:2014/8/4 14:44:40 点击次数:点击:2863次]
发布企业:广东金众人力资源有限公司代客户发布 | 年龄要求: |
职 位:TCU标定技术专家 | 联系电话:0769-89168255 |
招聘人数: | 联 系 人:李小姐 |
工作地区:浙江杭州 | 英语水平: |
性 别: | 薪资待遇:年薪50万 |
工作年限: | 学历要求: |
职位描述: | |
1、负责制定变速箱整车标定计划和验证标定数据质量;responsible for transmission calibraion plan and verification of calibration data 2、负责变速箱整车标定开发目标的设定和分解;responsible for transmission calibration target-setting and distributing 3、负责变速箱标定数据库创建;responsible for building up a data base for transmission calibraiton at the vehicle level. 4、负责变速箱整车标定流程规范的编写制定;responsible for process specification compilation for transmission calibration in vehicle 5、 负责指导标定工程师开展变速箱标定、故障识别、分析、改进;responsible for guiding calibration engineers to conduct transmission calirations, failure identification, analysis and improvement. 6、负责变速箱控制逻辑的开发及于供应商的沟通与协调;responsible for the development of transmission control logic and communication and coordination with suppliers 7、负责换档曲线和换档质量的标定和评价;responsible for controlability evaluation 8、负责整车动力性经济性仿真计算;responsible for vehicle performance and fuel economy simulation 9、负责制定Benchmark测试方案和数据分析工作;responsible for developing benchmark test plans and data analysis 10、负责变速箱标定团队建设;responsible for transmission calibration team buiding<br/>任职资格<br/>1、精通变速箱电控标定,能够独立进行变速箱标定;proficient in transmission electronic calibration, and able to work independently on transimission calibration 2、具有自动档车型整车专业经验10年以上,至少2个AT或CVT或AMT项目和2个DCT项目变速箱标定应验;10 years experience of calibration in vehicle developement interms of AT vehicles, with engagements at least in 2 AT or CVT, or AMT projects, or 2 DCT projects. 3、精通变速箱控制理论、变速箱构造和整车构造;proficient in transmission control theory, structure and the structure of the vehicle. 4、精通变速箱控制逻辑,能在供应商支持下开发新的控制逻辑;proficient in transmission control logic and able to development new logic with the assistance of th supplier. 5、精通CAN通信、Lin通信等,指导团队对标杆竞品车进行Benchmark测试;proficient in CAN and Lin communication, provide guidance for the team in Benchmark test on the competetors‘ cars. 6、能够全面解决公司内本专业领域遇到的技术问题;able to sovle technicla probloms in his own profession realm encountered in the company. 7、熟练掌握电控标定专业其他领域的开发流程规范;good command of development process specifications in electronic calibration and other fields. 8、对换档曲线和换档质量有独到见解,能对换档曲线和换档质量进行评价和优化方案的提出与确认;unique insight in to shif shedule and shift quality, able to provide optimization proposals for shift schedule and shift quality 9、能够洞悉本领域的发展方向,并提出具有战略性的指导思想,为公司产品动力系统系统发展战略的制定提供决策依据;sharp insight into the developement trend of his own profession realm,so as to provide basis for the policy-making in developing the powertrain system strategy. 10、有领导团队进行变速箱标定和电控系统软硬件开发经验experience of leading a team in conducting transmission calibration and development of electronic system hardware 11、精通整车动力性经济性仿真分析;proficient in vehicle performance and fuel economy simulation 12、大学本科及以上学历 bachelor‘s degree or above |
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